Akhil's Blog Thoughts, Ideas, Essays & Views

Introducing Blog


During college days, used to put some ideas on writing and then in my first job at Qwest, maintained a private blog for sometime to log ideas & feelings but never maintained it. This is an attempt to consolidate some of blog posts from past which are scattered at different places, also there are lot of incomplete ones which I am hoping to complete too.

Have been writing bits and pieces mostly on tech & product from the startup days while recently have been able to build some knowledge on finance particularly accounting and sanskrit which will also be interesting topics to write about.

Studying computer science from IIT Guwahati, my journey started with tech, lot of interesting work I remember, then moved to product, advertising & marketing during startups, finally settled in management & leadership which also seems the most challenging with much deeper learning.


The blog is based on the github pages using jekyll theme lanyon, great thing about this stack was that it took just few hours to set it up from buying domain to getting it ready with few posts pulled from past. Using git for blog will mean that the posts can evolve with new knowledge and become like wiki where it will be easy to look at how the thought has evolved over time.

Currently working in one of the best fintech company, learned a lot on tech, finance, product & management. The finance as a subject is something I wanted to get into but reading finance books is generally not very interesting, even when I was doing some investment related study it was always difficult to maintain focus beyond a month, and being in fintech company helps in maintaining that focus.

Want to also put some of the ideas I wish to work on in future to keep building the backlog of interesting problems to solve which can push me into doing the next start-up whenever that happens.


It is very tempting to write something before even knowing enough but that generally is the receipe for misinformation. My attempt would be to put things on which I am pretty knowledgable & confident but in case you find any incorrectness in any of the post, please do provide feedback on email, will correct it soon.

If any of the post seems interesting, plesae do contact for further discussion on those or related ideas.
